Latest Episodes

Ep. 11: Good Friday - Anno Domini Podcast
The path toward salvation involves our King suffering execution for crimes He didn’t commit, sins He was not guilty of, and punishment He did...

Ep. 10: Maundy (Holy) Thursday - Anno Domini Podcast
"We should be eating good bread, hearty chunks that satisfy and not puffed rounds of styrofoam. We should be drinking the potent cup of...

Ep. 9: Palm Sunday - Anno Domini Podcast
"As Jesus comes into Jerusalem, riding on the tops of the trees just as He had done against the Philistines, we are told He...

Ep. 8: Ash Wednesday and Lent - Anno Domini Podcast
"With Christ entering the desert for 40 days of temptation we will transition from our celebration of His epiphany into the celebration of Lent....

Ep. 7: Twelfth Night & Epiphany - Anno Domini Podcast
"Westerners now generally start our Christmas preparations unfortunately on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and work at a frenzied pace to get everything...

Ep. 6: Christmas Day - Anno Domini Podcast
"Christmas stands for the total invasion of the world of sin and darkness by the king of glory. This means that idols will fall,...