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Ep. 5: Christmas Eve - Midnight - Anno Domini Podcast
No transcript for this episode. Merry Christmas Everyone! Amid the Silence Christmas Carol:
Ep. 4: Fourth Sunday of Advent - Anno Domini Podcast
"We are in the season of Advent which is a time of longing and of joy. A time when we sing and pray and...
Ep. 3: Third Sunday of Advent - Gaudete - Anno Domini Podcast
The Third Sunday of Advent is here! This day should be marked with Joy and Rejoicing. We have much to rejoice over because the...
Ep. 2: Second Sunday of Advent - Anno Domini Podcast
"The second Sunday of Advent is here and with it there is continued eager anticipation at the coming of the Lord. This past week...
Ep. 1: First Sunday of Advent - Anno Domini Podcast
"In this podcast we explore together how Christ can be revealed to us through the cyclical life of the church calendar year. How this...